Your data privacy and security are important to us, so our privacy policy is now more understandable and transparent. Click here to view our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

As we respect your privacy, we’d like to re-assure you that we use the information you supply only to process your order and are fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Your information is retained for 12 months from the date of order completion or date of cancellation of order. After this time all order details are deleted to ensure customer privacy.

We will only contact you if there are any further questions regarding the order you have placed.

We will never contact you for promotions. We will always protect the information in our care, and never use your personal information for marketing purposes. We do not and will not sell personal information about you.

How do we use your data?

What information does UK Document Services collect about me?

We collect basic information from you when you place an order, such as name, address and email address. We also record information when you contact us, including customer service requests and notes or details explaining what you asked and how we responded. We also use cookies to track you as a unique visitor within our website. This allows us to provide an optimal ordering experience when ordering certificates and other products through our website.

We do not use cookies to store any of your sensitive and personal data.

You are free to disable the use of cookies if you wish to do so, however our ordering system will not work with cookies disabled.

Does UK Document Services share my data with third parties?

Information is disclosed to trusted Government agencies (who are fully GDPR compliant) only to fulfil your order and will only be privy to information necessary for them to produce certified copies of your birth, marriage or death certificate and/or divorce decree.

How do we secure your personal data?

UK Document Services safeguard your personal data in the following ways:

Secure communication channels - We encrypt personal data provided to us via web forms using up to date standards to prevent others from intercepting the information in transit.

Layered approach to security - We protect our network using many different layers of security and software to protect our network from would be intruders.

We have a dedicated IT professional who oversees device and application security practices.


Cookies are small text files stored on your computer. These can be used to store information which your browser passes to our web server when you visit our website.

We use cookies to track you as a unique visitor within our website. This allows us to provide an optimal ordering experience when ordering certificates and other products through our website.

We do not use cookies to store any of your sensitive and personal data.

You are free to disable the use of cookies if you wish to do so, however our ordering system will not work with cookies disabled.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us.